Mommy SOS - Teething Baby with Cold

Jun 7, 2010

One of my favorite mommy blogs, BecomingMom, has a series entitled "Mommy SOS" where she asks her readers to give their insight into various mommy-matters. I've always loved these posts as I feel like all of the comments are always so helpful - not just for the blogger themselves but for anyone who reads the blog!

So in honor of helping one another, I'm going to also start posting my personal question's as well as other reader's questions.

Now I know some of you are a bit comment squeamish... I know this b/c I KNOW (Google Analytics kind of know) there are a decent amount of you that read this blog but never comment. But - here's your opportunity to shine!

So mommies - Nora has been crazy cranky and fussy the past four days. She's cutting two of her top teeth and in addition to this has over the past couple of days come down with a deep cough - so she has reason to be fussy. I want to know what YOU do (or have done) to make this transition less painful for your little ones. Spill it....


Anonymous said...

Ha! I love it! Way to call us all out! :)
What I've done in these situations is DRINK WINE!! He he... no seriously... I never love to give Luke medicine but when the crankiness got to be a bit much, Tylenol AND Motrin seemed to help. Also, ice chips. Another desperate move on my part was a frozen all natural fruit pop. I know she's not one yet "officially" but it might feel really good on those sweet little gums!

~A~ said...

Ok, ok, de-lurking :)
Hyland's Teething Tablets!! You can find them at WalMart. I used them with all three of my babies and they worked great.
When they wanted to chew I gave them frozen fruits in their little chewing thing. I don't remember what it's called but it looks like a giant pacifier except instead of a rubber nipple it's a mesh bag you can put food in.

Nikki Crockett said...

frozen wash cloths. :)

Unknown said...

The Hyland's teething tablets seemed to help my little ones, too! I, also, would use Tylenol if it seemed really painful. It's such a hard thing to watch your little one go through!

nealy said...

We gave Callie frozen pieces of mango (bought at SuperTarget) in a little mesh feeder. She loved it. :)

Debbie said...

Frozen celery works as a good natural teether too... turns really paper-y as it thaws. For the cough, vaporizers with Vicks seemed to help my babies a lot. If it's a barky cough, you may want to see your pediatrician (they can give steroids if it's croup). Lots of TLC!!

Jenny said...

I haven't tried this for 2 reasons but I have a couple friends that swear by amber teething necklaces. They are all over the web so just google but you can get them here:

I felt weird about putting a necklace on Aiden since he's a boy and surprisingly teething wasn't a big deal with him (the one area where God cut me some slack...haha!). Had teething been though I might have had him wear this necklace around the house cause I love natural alternatives.

Joab Meyer said...

Great idea! I am in crazy teething stage too. My friend's kids would just magically pop out these perfect teeth but my kids work for everyone they get! My MOTHER just put whiskey in my bottle with juice. That sounds too ala 1970s for me! I use probably too much Baby Motrin, as Baby Tylenol does nothing for my kids. When Asa's body basically shut down when he was getting his top two teeth we took him to a Dr. in Bejing- who told us he had "too much fire" and then gave us some herbal Chinese meds. Anyway it totally worked! Look into homopathic meds- they might do the trick! Or come up to Beijing :).Em

Kiley said...

I have no idea. :) Thankfully Avery doesn't have any teeth yet!

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