2 {photography} peas in a pod
Jun 28, 2010
You know you're two {photography} peas in a pod when you haven't seen each other for 8 months and when you finally do reconnect you take photos of one another for almost the entire time you're hanging out ;)
That's exactly what my friend Nealy and I did when we were in Minnesota a few weeks back. We were doing some serious multi-tasking....chatting, clicking, chatting, clicking, chatting, clicking...
Here's my favorite shot of Nealy and her sweet little girl Callie...and yes, they are in a field...

And here are a couple of my favorites that Nealy took of Nora and me...

If you're from the Twin Cities area and are looking for a photographer... check out Photography by Nealy! Doesn't she do an amazing job???!!!
Love you Nealy!!
Hey Pea! ;)
We are funny, aren't we??? That's okay, it was fun...sorry it had to be short. Hopefully again soon!!!!
P.S. THANKS so much for the files you sent yesterday. They are a TON of help!!!!
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