Minnesota Love
Jun 16, 2010
As I said in this post (if you haven't checked it out - you should - it has a SUPER DUPER cute video of Nora and Adelyn), we spent the past weekend in Minnesota visiting family and friends.
I'll be honest, there was a time when both Alan and I felt like we were becoming a bit calloused to "goodbyes." When you live so far away from all of your family you get used to dropping off people at the airport and saying goodbye often. However, ever since having Nora is seems like it just gets harder and harder to leave our loved ones. Sniff, Sniff.
Ok - enough of the sappy stuff.
I'll be honest - we flew to Minnesota mostly to meet this cute little girl...

AND see this other cute little girl...
When you have three of the cutest little peanuts in the whole wide world you MUST dress them alike and take photos. Thanks to Costco's Kids PJ selection and Nana F's purchases we got a number of matching outfit photos. So fun...
Although we spent plenty of time taking photos of the little one's we were also able to see some of our dear friends (shout out to the Klauser's, Waite's, Joyce's and Tom and Elyse for a great night!) and enjoy some great family time together.
Awww.... we miss you guys!!!
awww...we really really miss you!
Someone made the comment that Ella looks like she's rather annoyed that she's in matching outfits....again... ;) I thought that was super funny b/c she totally does!
Adelyn misses her run around buddy...she's not as worn out without Nora to play with!
What fun pics- great composition. Im sure they were all your idea!
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