In our Home :: Christmas Season
Dec 13, 2011
{I know, I know. I've yet to blog about Disneyland.
You see if you wouldn't mind giving me a few more days to process
how I want to blog about our experience that would be wonderful!
Thanks for the grace, blog reading friends!}
In the meantime I wanted to launch a brand new series on our little nook of the web...I'm calling it In Our Home.
In Our Home posts will give ya'll a little sneak peek into our lives. It will be a unique blend of the meaningful and inconsequential parts of our life. There will be things to make you giggle and things that will make you think. And of course lots of pics of our two sweet-as-can-be little girlies.
So sit back and enjoy our very first edition of In Our Home :: Christmas Season.

2) The Advent Book. Nora received this book as a gift at her dedication a couple years ago and we're just now using it as we anticipate Christmas Day. This beautiful book has quickly become one of the highlights of my day. I love everything about it.... the scripture....the story of Jesus' birth.... and the beautiful illustrations. I'd highly recommend it.
3) While I look for a stocking for Ms. Elsie I figured a mini pink stocking will work for now :)
4) After arriving home upon selecting our tree (at Costco) this year, we all enjoyed a yummy cup of Peppermint Hot Chocolate for a mid-afternoon treat.
1) The Pickle Ornament Tradition. Yes... there is such a thing. I didn't make it up. Essentially the pickle ornament is hidden on the tree and whoever finds the ornament first gets a little gift to start off the holiday season. This was the first year that Nora was able to find the pickle herself. So fun.

2) A must see in this home. Frosty the Snowman (the original of course). Nora. Is. In. Love.
3) One of the things I've loved about this Christmas season is the lovely gift of Pinterest. Yes, Pinterest is a "gift." And what I mean by that is that never has finding creative Christmas gifts been as easy as it is through Pinterest. Here is just one of the many Pinterest Inspired gifts that I've received thus far. (Stay tuned for the Pinterest Inspired gifts that I'm giving to friends and family this year)
4) A pic of Elsie...just in case you thought Elsie was missing. :)
Love this idea! Can' wait to see more of your lives. Mollie needs to work on "choosing" to keep the pretties on the tree :)
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