Thanks to everyone who gave their suggestions on my previous
Mommy SOS post on how to switch Nora from formula/bottle to milk/
sippy cup. Your insight was really helpful. It's so nice to be able to glean wisdom from other moms who have "been there."
So....because I know I'll totally forget how we did this I thought I'd document it so you all (and by "you all" I secretly include myself in that group of people) can come back to this post for my experience in written form. I've been amazed just how much I can forget. For example - my cousin who just had the most precious little baby boy was asking me what nursing pads I used and honestly I could not remember for the life of me. What I do
remember is asking a TON of people which one's they preferred at the time and really laboring over finding the "right" nursing pad :) raising a child changes your ability to remember anything.
I digress....
Switching to milk....
Once given the "green light" from our pediatrician to start Nora on whole milk I decided I'd substitute one bottle every other day for a sippy cup of warm (yes - Nora likes her milk warm
too Kristina!). She was taking 4 bottles/day at the time. It looked like this....
Day One and Two -
1st Feeding - Formula
2nd Feeding - Milk in Sippy
3rd Feeding - Formula
4th Feeding - Formula
Day Three and Four -
1st Feeding - Formula
2nd Feeding - Milk in Sippy
3rd Feeding - Milk in Sippy
4th Feeding - Formula
Day Five and Six -
1st Feeding - Milk in Sippy
2nd Feeding - Milk in Sippy
3rd Feeding - Milk in Sippy
4th Feeding - Formula
Day Seven -
1st Feeding - Milk in Sippy
2nd Feeding - Milk in Sippy
3rd Feeding - Milk in Sippy
4th Feeding - Milk in Sippy
After a transition week we're totally done with bottles and formula - yipee!!!! Oh - and BTW
- we're using Horizon Organic Whole Milk (for anyone who might be interested)
And a post just wouldn't be the same without a picture of this little one...