Steph's Pick | i♥phone
Nov 11, 2011
Guess who's getting one of these??!!!

Me, Me, ME, ME!!!
I'm FINALLY getting an iPhone and I couldn't be happier. Alan just ordered the 4s for me yesterday and you can bet I'll be waiting at the door each day the mail is delivered waiting with (much) eagerness for this sweet little gift to arrive.
Now there are all sorts of online resources that recommend the "must-have" apps for an iPhone (including this great post by Sarah on Scottsdale Moms Blog - iLove my iPhone) but I want to hear from YOU!
Spill it... what apps are must haves for a mommy of a toddler and baby?
anna is 2 years old- and LOVES LunchBox monkey (game), Cakedoodle (game) that you mix ingredients to make a cake, audio books that read to you (abc lite, sleeping beauty, 3 pigs, etc), Bob Books (a little advanced but a good one to learn letters) and on andy's phone we have curious george (for those times of crunch or she is falling asleep in the car :)
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