Giving Thanks (for the kids we have) | Raising Your Spirited Child : Part One Review
Nov 23, 2011
I remember a conversation I had with a friend recently about how tempting it is to compare our lives to our friend’s/neighbor’s/co-worker’s (really anyone’s) lives.
We hear about how their 6 week old is sleeping through the night – I’ll take that please!
We can’t help but notice when another mommy down the street has the newest, most amazing double stroller on the market – where do I get one of those?!
We see a friend roll up to a play date in her brand new luxury car – yes, pretty please.
Then we hear about another friend’s 10-day vacation to
We start thinking – if only I had THAT stroller, THAT car, THAT vacation and THAT baby – I’d be much happier. More thankful.
Over and over again we’re left feeling worse and worse about our own lives.
I think this is especially true of moms raising spirited children. At least it’s true for me. Please tell me I’m not alone with this. Have you felt this way?
Between the intense “Am I the only one with a spirited child?!” feelings and the jealousy that so quickly sneaks into our hearts, we’re left oftentimes wanting more.

Thankfully much of what author, Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, writes about in the first part of Raising Your Spirited Child is encouraging parents of spirited children the have the freedom to celebrate and enjoy the delights of our spirited child(ren).
In her A Credo for Parents of Spirited Children she sets the tone for the rest of the book and highlights 5 specific things we must embrace in order to effectively raise our spirited child(ren).
A Credo for Parents of Spirited Children
- You’re not alone.
- You did not make your child spirited.
- You are not powerless.
- You have permission to take care of yourself.
- You may celebrate and enjoy the delights of your spirited child.
Spirited Children (all children really) are a GREAT gift and there is much to celebrate and enjoy in all of their spirit.
Coincidentally a lot of these thoughts that I’ve been processing have come at a great time of year – Thanksgiving - A national holiday in which we’re legally forced to take time to reflect on that which we’re thankful for.
Isn’t it so easy to peak into the “bags” God has packed for everyone else? Their strollers, their cars, their vacations and their sleeping babies. So quickly we forget that God has packed a “bag” for us that is filled with so much to enjoy and be thankful for.
With that in mind, this Thanksgiving I’ve decided it’s time to give thanks for what’s in my bag…
I’m thankful for…
…my sweet little Elsie who still wakes up at least 1x/night for special mommy snuggles. Because I just never know when our girls will be too big for snuggle time.
…my double stroller which was a gift from my parents and does the job in hauling my two little girlies around.
…our Toyota Highlander which despite looking like a cheerio bomb exploded in it, is able to fit all four of us and the above mentioned stroller comfortably. It’s exactly what we need.
…the vacations that are still yet to come (maybe not to
… and finally, for my spirited little Nora who everyday reminds me that there is MUCH to celebrate in this life.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love your perspective of being thankful for what God has given you!
Way to put things in perspective. It is so easy to slip in to comparing my life to others around me, especially material things. I learned a long time ago that material things don't bring happiness and those people with those material things are just as envious if not more envious of my life. The grass is typically not greener. What a great time of year to be thankful for just that...LIFE.
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