Raising your Spirited Child Book club
Nov 2, 2011
A number of you have heard me mention that Nora is a spirited child. In fact I've even written about it on a number of occasions over on Scottsdale Moms Blog : Rejoicing in your Spirited Child and Rejoicing in your Spirited Toddler.
Wondering if you too have a spirited child? Here are a few ways Mary Sheedy Kurcinka (author of Raising your Spirited Child) describes a spirited child
"Spirited kids are the Super Ball in a room full of rubber balls. Other kids bounce three feet off the ground. Every bounce for a spirited child hits the ceiling.""Spirited children are more intense, more sensitive, more perceptive, more persistent and more energetic.""Spirited behavior truly falls within the range of typical human behavior - more but normal."
As Nora gets older and is interacting more and more with me, I continue to be encouraged to embrace this sweet gift of her spirted-ness.
My desire (and prayer) these first years of her life is to better understand Nora's personality and help guide her so that all of her spirit ends up being a real strength of hers in her future. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created her - spirit and all - and so I'm choosing to believe that He has great things in store for her.
Now I'm not saying it's been easy. As most parents of spirited children will say - raising a spirited child is EXHAUSTING. Raising kids is tiring for anyone but a spirited child cranks up the energy need even more.
It's also been very easy for me to feel like I'm the only person raising a spirited child. Well I'm not! And you're not! There are millions of parents that are in the exact same boat!

This is exactly why I decided to start a book club/support group for other moms of spirited children. I figured it was time I surround myself with people (online and in person) that I can link arms with in trying to better understand Ms. Nora.
So I invite you to read Raising your Spirited Child along with me.
Here's our plan :: The book is already divided into four parts. We'll read one section/month for the next four months. I'll post about my thoughts in the middle of the month and we'll use the comments section to encourage one another as we try to better understand our sweet-as-pie spirited children.
Part One :: November
Part Two :: December
Part Three :: January
Part Four :: February
So who's in?
{Oh - and yes - I am actually doing this with a group of local moms so if you're interested please email me and I'll send you the details}
I know Lauren Kimmel. Her sister, Jana, is married to my brother! She sent me your blog link today. My daughter is 3.5 yrs EXTREMELY intense. I started this book a few months ago. It's great!!! I would LOVE to join up in the book club. Just yesterday I was in tears bc the day was so hard with her. I am so thrilled to have other moms to share thoughts with!
Great Jill!!! So happy to have you in the "club."
Count me in!!
I am in!! I bought the book on my kindle, and I am excited to read it and hear what everyone has to say. :) We're actually going to be in the States for 2 months, but I don't think that we'll make it all the way to Arizona. If you're in Iowa anytime from Nov 15-Jan 11, let me know. Oh, and your girls are absolutely ADORABLE!!!
YIPEE! So happy to have you reading along with us Jenny and Lindsay!
I'm totally in. Just picked up the book today (at Goodwill, which was pretty great.) Are you going to have a discussion forum or anything for us out of towners? Excited to hear your thoughts on this book!
Sounds great Mel! Love that you found it at Goodwill.
A forum would be great!
Here's what I'm thinking.... I actually set up a private FB group for the in-town ladies that I think I'll just add all of the out-of-town ladies to it. What do you think?
I'm friends with a number of you on FB already but if we're not friends - let's be friends?! :) That way I can add you to the group. Just search my name on FB and I'll get you added.
Looking forward to it!
Jill and Jenny - I think you're the only two I'm not friends with on FB.
Jenny - I'm wondering if you're even on FB? If not I might look into a different forum option so you can be included. Stay tuned...
How early did you know that Nora was 'spirited'? Sienna is only 15 months but my oh my she is already so feisty and strong willed. Is it too early for me to start this book or do you think it will be helpful now and/or for the future???
Oh girl - I don't think it's too early to tell at all! I actually look back at video of Nora when she was 4 months and could already tell she had a little spunk in her.
We'd love to have you join us for our book club discussion too (b/c you're local, right?). Totally up to you though!
Yes I would love to, better be prepared for what I know is coming :) (Yes, I'm local)
Great! I'll email you the details now. (our first meeting is actually tonight ... eek)
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