sister comparison pic | 5(ish) months
Nov 26, 2011
This is quickly becoming one of my very favorite things to do. I love looking back at pics of Nora and trying to reduplicate them with Elsie. It's not as easy as you'd think but it's still fun to try.
If you missed their 4 month pics or their 3 month pics be sure to click back over to see how they both changed in such a short period of time.
Without further's the girls both at 5 months old.
Without further's the girls both at 5 months old.

I just want to eat 'em up!! Such cuteness!
(Note :: Yes - if you look really close you can see two little teeth poking through in Ms. Elsie's mouth)
Elsie has more Alan and Nora has more you! How fun :)
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