our move :: the bitter and sweet
Oct 20, 2011
We're still alive... we've just moved and are busy unpacking boxes. LOTS of boxes.
{Note to self :: Don't keep so much junk next go around.}
It's amazing to me how the simple act of packing up all of your things and moving from one home to the next can bring to mind so many bitter and sweet thoughts.
With that in mind I thought I'd try and document just a few of them for you.
Let's start with...
Ice Trays ::

I can't believe I lived 5 years without an ice machine!!!
Yes, you read that right. We've been living in the {ice cube} stone ages for the past 5 years. Thankfully about a year ago I decided to upgrade from just 2 trays to 4. Woot woot! Talk about a promotion!
Without sounding too cheesy, I'm going to miss these things. There really is something to be said for hard earned ice :)
Patio Play ::

As much as I'm already loving our new YARD, there was something so sweet about Nora's ability to play wherever and whenever. She didn't care that her only outdoor space for all 2 years of her life was a 10 feet x 10 feet patio! She made that 10x10 space an outdoor wonderland filled with adventure upon adventure.
We spent countless hours on our little patio blowing bubbles (for the whole condo complex to enjoy), playing catch and riding her brand new {used} Radio Flyer Rocket.
Love the joy my children bring to our home!
Stairs to our 2nd Floor Condo ::

Oh boy do I have a love/hate (ok - mostly hate) relationship with this set of stairs.
Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Over and over and over again. Pregnant (x2) and not.
I'm sure there were plenty of lessons I learned by climbing these stairs (with two children) but at this point leaving these things is PURE SWEETNESS!
Address Stamp ::
Can you believe I posted about this stamp over 3 years ago?
This stamp has certainly been a dearly loved (and used) item. Because of my love for snail mail, this little stamp has been used more times than I can imagine. From countless birthday cards, to our annual Christmas card, many of you have received mail with this sweet little emblem in the top left corner.
I'll be honest - upon taking this picture and later throwing this stamp away, I without a doubt shed a tear - ok tearS. It was as if the releasing of this little item was the symbol of moving on from the past and looking forward to the future.
Aw... so many incredible memories were made in our very first home. It really is so hard to say goodbye to so much sweetness.
{Excuse me while I go grab a tissue.}
Promise my next post won't be so sappy :)
But before I go ... here's a blast from the past.
Here's the photo we took before moving out of the apartment into above mentioned home.

Boy how things have changed!
Funny how we get attached....made me sappy too :). I randomly came across pictures nick took of our house when everything had been loaded into the truck...I may or may not but definitely did start crying....so many memories! Seeing your picture of the stairs made me tear up!
I know... tearing up now just b/c you said you were tearing up :) Love you Abby!
Great post Steph!
Sweetness! The little things in life truly can hold great meaning to us! Can't wait to hear all about your new home!! And see pics :)
Awww...I love getting mail with that stamp on it. And we too live with two ice trays. Upgrading to four is a great idea :)
I know how you feel sister. Funny that you mentioned the stamp. I still haven't gotten rid of ours, but I think I shed a tear too when I realized I wouldn't be using it anymore. Can't wait to see pics of your new place. Liz
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