a home tour

Oct 6, 2011

One of my very favorite {blog-reading} things is when bloggers post tours of their homes on their blog.

I don't know what it is about touring a virtual "friends" home. Maybe it makes me feel like we could be friends in real life? Like I could picture myself having dinner at their table or having a cup of coffee with them in their little reading nook. Whatever it is - it's just dang interesting to me.

Now I know I have posted pics here and there of our condo, but never have I taken you on a "tour" per-say. Well... wait no longer :)

You see we are moving in a little over a week so there's a bit of a bitter sweet underlying message in this post. Here are some bitter & sweet thoughts...

Bitter -
- This was the first home we purchased.
- We brought both of our girls home to this cozy space.
- We've called this place "home" for the past 5 years so there are tons of memories.


Sweet -
- We're just outgrowing our 2 bedroom, 2nd floor, no garage space home.
- We're moving to a home that has a lawn (YIPEE!) and has 4 bedrooms ( double YIPEE!)

Without further ado....I invite you to picture yourself coming over for a cup of coffee at our place RIGHT NOW....

Here's what you'd see...
Full Disclosure: Yes - these pics were taken for the MLS, so NO - our home never looks this clean.

In case you care : Two of my top pick virtual tours are Sherry and John from Young House Love (of course - how could I not include them?) and coming in a close second is Michelle from 4 Men and 1 Lady.


Anonymous said...

It's as if you don't have kids and you left out the random location for Elsie's sleeping arrangements ;-) Lovely! Thanks

Jenni and Dan said...

I'm looking forward to a tour of your new place!

B + A said...

Awww...I LOVED that. And i would be the one picturing myself sitting on your big couch, enjoying coffee and laughs with you, while our girls ran around like the crazy women they are :)

Becca said...

It looks great Steph and I hope it sells really quickly! Now you get to make a new space home :)

Jenet Simmons said...

Can I come to the new home for a cup of coffee?? :-)

Katie and Bret said...

I LOVE this!! I too can picture myself sitting on your couch, drinking coffee or wine while the kiddos run circles around us. Thanks for sharing your home :)

Erin said...

So loved this and I think you will appreciate it with your big move for memories!!!!! Cant wait to see the new place hope the move goes well!

Sarah said...

What a beautiful home tour! I just loved hearing about how sweet and bitter these moments are for you as you prepare to move. I understand how difficult it must be to leave behind a home rich with all those memories. Speaking of comfort, I’ve heard a lot about medicated mattresses. They’re intended to provide tailored support for individuals with diverse health needs. If you have suffered any sleep-related discomfort in your current home, perhaps a medicated mattress would be perfect for your new bedroom. They’re worth a look for improved sleep!

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