The Bucket List

Mar 13, 2008

Last night I finally saw "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Now I have to be honest, although the plot of the movie sounded okay it didn't sound overly inspirational: two guys from different sides of the tracks end up in the same hospital room after discovering they probably have terminal cancer. They endure chemotherapy treatments together, waiting for test results together, getting sick together, and the stages of response as they both find out they have terminal conditions. It sounds a bit depressing, but it’s actually as inspiring as it is heart-warming (bring tissues ladies).

Anyone who’s ever walked through this season of life with family and close friends will find a warm embrace from a film that embraces your pain. Anyone who hasn’t gone through it yet will be better equipped. Even better, though, is a big-screen invitation to write down the things you want to do before your run is done…and do them!!!

Nonetheless, upon driving home from the theater last night I decided it was our turn to create a "bucket list" of some sorts. So here's our first item on the list - LEARN TO SURF.

What's on your list?
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