A Co-Ed Baby Shower for Greg & Amy
Jul 11, 2011
I love planning/hosting parties. You all know that. And there is nothing better than being able to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a baby with a baby shower for our dear friends, Greg & Amy B.
The minute we found out Greg & Amy were expecting their very first bundle of joy (a boy!) I knew we had to plan an awesome party. So that's exactly what we did!
Sidenote - Have you had these flavored San Pallegrino's? They are delicious! Especially the orange. I actually got a 24 pack at Costco although I've seen them at the grocery store in 6 packs as well. I'd totally recommend them.
Amy requested a Co-Ed Baby Shower - which I thought was PERFECT! Laura and I immeditaly went to work on planning all of the details for the shower. Food, decor, invitations... there were all sorts of things that needed to be decided.
So here's what we came up with...
The Theme: We decided on a teal and orange "theme". Mostly because we thought it was fun, co-ed appropriate and boy-ish (for the soon-to-come little boy).
Here are a few pics showing the decorations and yummy drinks. Not to worry guys... there were plenty of non teal or orange beer too. ;)

Ok...random thought over...next up...
The Food: The best part (in my opinion) - we decided that we'd do a "Make-Your-Own-Pizza" Night. We call Greg the "Pizza-Master" because it is sooo good at making pizza's (that's what previously working at Domino's will do for you). I wish we had more pictures but this was sooo fun. So many fun toppings were available for each attendee to use when making his/her own pizza.
For those with the grocery store Basha's at your disposal, we've found that we LOVE their pizza dough. Just walk right on up to the pizza counter and ask for a dough ball. At roughly $2 they are an awesome way to make yummy pizza in your own home.
Greg & Amy - we couldn't be happier for you two! You will be such incredible parents. Can't wait to meet the little guy here in the next month.
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