Steph's Pick - the Itzbeen

Jul 24, 2009

I certainly didn't imagine that upon being inducted into the world of motherhood, I would quickly lose my mind. Although other mom's have told me that it does come back with time I have to admit, I can't seem to remember much of anything anymore!
Now, for those of you who know me, I consider myself quite the multi-tasker/planner/detail-keeper. However, these past couple of weeks have been quite a roller coaster. Which is why I had to pick a "Steph's Pick" that has helped me try and keep things a little more together.
It's called the "Itzbeen." I registered for this upon hearing about it on my favorite podcast, PregTastic, and seeing my sister-in-law and brother-in-law use it with their little one. It's soooo great!! Seriously - even the first night, Alan and I found ourselves asking one another over and over again, "What time did we feed her last?" That's when the itzbeen came in handy. We now just consult the time noted on this little electronic time keeper and go forward from there.
It's a great way to keep track of all of the essentials in baby world - diaper changes, feedings and sleep.


Annie said...

OHGosh!!! I SO wish they had this when my guy was born! What a great invention... I'm going to send this link to some of my friends who are expecting -- what a find!

nick&abby said...

Seriously a life saver right? :) It is so true. You lose your mind but it eventually will come back. I promise!

nick&abby said...
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Anonymous said...

Sounds like Easton and I need to invest in one of these!! Where did you find it, I think I might go get one. Hope you and Nora are doing great, Alan too!!
Liz and Easton

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