30 Day Photography Challenge | Week Two
Jan 22, 2012
Did you think I forgot this little challenge I set out to do?
I've been busy, don't get me wrong, but when I set out to do something, you can bet I'll finish it. It's just a weird thing about me.
If you missed Week One of My 30 Day Photography Challenge be sure to click on over and check out the first seven pictures of this little challenge.
Without further ado.... Week Two
Day Eight :: A Bad Habit. The Starbucks Drive-Through is truly a God send. Yummy coffee without having to get out of my car (and lug two girlies with me)? Yes please!
However at $5/cup let's just say that my hubby would label it as a "Bad Habit."

Day Nine :: Someone you Love. There are two specific things that I want to address in this photo.
#1. Let's keep the first things first. My mom and dad are THE BEST! Nora refers to them as Mop (yes... Mop) and Papa. My love and appreciation for them grows on a daily basis. Love you two!
#2. The creator of Skype. I really have no idea who he/she is (although I'm sure a quick Dr. Google search would help me figure it out in a second flat)... but I LOVE YOU! Skype has been such a great help in trying to keep our loved ones near and dear.

Day Ten :: Childhood Memory. Every once in awhile you just have to give your kiddo's freedom to jump on the bed.

Day Eleven :: Something Blue. Believe it or not, we have very few blue things around this house. With two little girls come lots, and lots and lots of pink and hardly any blue.
Thankfully I was working on a baby gift for my friends Liz & Aaron who recently welcomed their sweet baby #2, Titus, into the world, and I realized that I had something blue in our home to take a picture of :)
Oh - and yes - this was a Pinterest inspired gift.

Day Twelve :: Sunset. Arizona has some of the most beautiful sunsets. Unfortunately the sun sets at about the same time as the wicked witching hour for most children, so taking a photo of our beautiful sunsets I found was virtually impossible.
Thankfully I was able to snap this quick picture at the end of a family walk. Not too bad, huh?

Day Thirteen :: Yourself with Thirteen Things. I don't know about you other moms out there reading but we have LOTS of books in this home. These are just 13 of Nora's favorites (I let her choose which one's she wanted to be in the picture).

Till next time.....
And in the meantime, be sure to hop on over to Nealy's blog to see her Week Two photos.
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