Flies Girls Update
May 1, 2011
Wow! We have had quite the past 2 weeks! All fun... but BUSY! Between a number of Scottsdale Moms Blog outings, celebrating Easter and the pending arrival of Baby Girl #2 we have had a very full schedule!
Because I'm sure you like knowing what's going on with Ms. Nora and Ms. Baby #2 here are a few highlights from the past few weeks...
Splash pad.

Nora LOVES the splash pad. What adventurous kid wouldn't, right?
The above pictures were taken of a specific trip just a couple weeks ago when we met Mrs. Cherrick and Reagan at the Scottsdale Quarter Splash pad. (Best splash pad in the area - for serious)
Just a couple thoughts from this trip:
First - Nora LOVES her girlfriends, Reagan and Reagan. Yes - you read that right. She has two BFF's who are both named Reagan. (I'm secretly wondering if she thinks every little girl is named Reagan - I guess we'll see in time). But because she really only says the first syllable of every word she calls them "Rae" - as in Ray - like my father-in-law. Hehe. Too funny.
Second - Nora LOVES drinking the splash pad water. I'm not talking standing up and sticking her tongue out sort of drinking. I mean laying on the ground slurping it up type drinking. Weird.
Next up....Sesame Street Live.

We were lucky enough to be given tickets to attend Sesame Street Live at the Comerica Theater this past weekend! We attended the 10:30 am showing just yesterday and were super anxious to see how Nora would do at a LIVE show :)
Oh how I wish I would have gotten video of Ms. Nora during the production! Our little girl a)would not sit in her seat...she was far more interested in standing up and dancing and singing for the entire 1.5 hrs - b)was a little obsessed with Big Bird. I'm talking she wouldn't pay attention to the show when the Big yellow Bird wasn't on stage. And c)despite loving everything about the show decided she was "all done" about 15 minutes before the end of the production. So "all done" was she that she started waving and saying "bye-bye" in the middle of the production. Alan and I just looked at each other and said "Ok - I guess we'll go!"
Oh this girl cracks me up!
Now I'll admit - this certainly is not one of the most entertaining videos I've posted...but I figured I'd post it as I'm sure the grandparents will like it at least. :)
Nora had a great Easter. We went to church and spent the rest of the day poolside and eating yummy food at home. Oh I love April in Arizona!!
And lastly...Baby Girl #2
(I did title the post "Flies GirlS Update," right?)

Oh Baby, right?!
Here are just a couple of Baby Girl #2 thoughts....
- In case you're interested in seeing what I looked like with Nora around this time be sure to check out my Belly Project | 36 week update post to compare. Note: one thing that is funny to compare in these pictures is the amount of finger prints on the mirror behind me. Pre-Nora - not too many. Post-Nora - Holy Finger-print-mola! :)
- Mom-to-Mom advice: When packing your little one's clothing away be sure to pack the larger clothes on the bottom. I suggest this as I recently went to get out all of our 0-3 month girls clothes and had a terrible time as they were at the bottom of our 0-6 month bin! Ugh! I realize it's more work when you're putting the clothing away but believe me, that's when you'll want to put in the extra time. Not when you're getting ready for additional children :)
I'm just saying.
- Lastly - this very well may be my last Belly Project update. Honestly, I don't think I'll want any more pictures of this growing belly.
Next time you'll see a pic of me I'm hoping I'll be holding our sweet little girl :)
All for now!!!
I have been waiting for an update!!!!
You look great! Can't wait to see precious baby girl. And I liked the video of Nora :) So fun to see her in action!
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