Steph's Pick | Personalized Children's Books from MJM Books
Apr 1, 2011
My mom was one of those moms that kept some of our old books and toys "just in case" - aka: for her future grandchildren some day :). Before becoming a mom I thought this was maybe a little strange. But it's funny how our perspective changes, right?!
In fact, some of our old toys and books actually look pretty retro now and are some of Nora's very favorite toys/books. Moms do seem to be right a lot, huh?! ;)
One of the the books my parents kept hidden away for years was "The Circus Star" - a personalized book given to me by my Aunt Jane and Uncle Tom for my 5th birthday. Over the past 6 months Nora has become more and more interested in books and her love for this old book of mine has grown and grown. She just LOVES it.
Here's a little look at it...
(Yes - it does say "Stevie" - that's an entirely different story)

These are the thoughts that prompted me to look for personalized books that I could buy for birthday gifts. With so many little one's being born on a monthly basis I'm always looking for a creative gift to give to family and friends.
That's when I stumbled across MJM Books. They came highly recommended from one of my very favorite mommy blogs, Cool Mom Picks. After reading a bit more about their books I ordered 3 copies of "If I were Big" and patiently waited for them to arrive in the mail.
I was soooo happy when they came. Not only were they super cute (and creative) but they were the PERFECT birthday gift for the three girls I bought them for (shout out to Callie, Ella and a soon to be birthday girl, Reese). And future birthday's to come I'm sure.
Here's the front cover...
If you're in the market for a creative birthday gift do check out MJM Books! The books are fun for the gift giver AND the recipient.
Callie loves this book. You always have SUCH great ideas!
The shop is closed! I'll have to keep checking back. We have many friends, cousins and our own kids that would love this!
I really, really, REALLY hope Nora doesn't have another friend named Reese :) That is a sweet idea- you are so good at those! mom just dropped of my baby doll bed and high chair that I had when I was little. Moms do know what they were doing!
@Nealy - So glad Callie likes it!!!
@Kristy - sorry about the shop being closed... boo!
@Allie - OF course Reese is the little one who will be receiving this! Sorry it's not a surprise anymore. I just couldn't not post about the books. They are too cute!
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