Steph's Pick | Trader Joe's Pumpkin Mixes
Nov 12, 2010
Before I even begin this post I have to apologize to all of you non-pumpkin lovers out there. I feel like this fall I've been all about pumpkin because well, a) it's yummy and b) it's festive. BUT I know that there are people that get the stomach aches (I know what those are like - I get 'em when I think of olives - yucky!) when I talk about pumpkin - so for you few people - sorry!
Moving on...
I LOVE me some Trader Joe's. Seriously - they always come through for me and I have especially loved them this holiday season as I've gotten a chance to try two of their Pumpkin mixes. Hey - you can't make everything from scratch, right?!
Without further ado... here they are...
1) Pumpkin Pancake & Waffle Mix - Just seeing it in the picture makes me want to make myself a waffle :) These make the most delicious (and light) waffles in the entire planet. Soooo good. Well worth the $3/box.

2) Pumpkin Bread & Muffin Mix - I'll be honest - I have a great made-from-scratch pumpkin bread/muffin mix that I use quite often but oftentimes there just isn't time or energy for that so I've opted for the second best option - Trader Joe's Pumpkin Bread & Muffin Mix. Like the Pancake & Waffle Mix - it makes our family's stomachs happy AND for roughly $2/box it's hard to beat!
Happy eatin'!
Just made the pumpkin pancakes last week with the TJ's pumpkin butter. It was like having dessert for yummy!
Their pumpkin butter is so good, too. Especially if you mix it with cream cheese. . .and spread on breads/cakes/cookies. :P
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