Steph's Pick | DIY Monthly Development Onesies

Nov 26, 2010

I'll admit - I'm constantly on the lookout for do-it-yourself baby shower gifts. I don't know what it is about it but I just love putting the extra love into a DIY gift (that's cute of course - that's they key).

When I started planning my friend, Brittany's, baby shower, I also started my search for the
perfect DIY gift for this girl. Here's the great thing/problem about Britt - she's SUPER creative, trendy and cute so I had a lot to consider when choosing a project. So when I stumbled across these on BabyCenter (written by one of my favorite blogger's - Young House Love) I knew I just had to do something like it. She'd love it for sure!

Now Young House Love actually does a weekly picture (which is crazy ambitious) AND they do the design work via photoshop - so my version is a bit different - but you get the point.

Here's what you do (it's easy-peasy, I promise)....

* Buy 12 white onesies in appropriate month sizes. (I bought packages of Gerber onesies)
* Buy Iron-On Transfer paper - You'll need 2 sheets. (found in most paper/craft sections of
Target, Walmart, Michaels, etc)
* Pre-Wash Onesies & Iron them for easy iron-on transfer
* Print the two documents below. (downloads are already flipped for iron-on needs)
Click HERE for file (1-6 months)
Click HERE for file (7-12 months).

* Cut out each month image being sure to trim the image leaving a small border.
* Iron-on images one at a time to corresponding month onesie (following iron-on transfer instructions)

Here are some project notes: These were made for a little boy so colors could be changed to be more girly if needed. And lastly in my opinion - packaging of these are the key. I rolled mine up and put them in a super cute round zebra box (Hobby Lobby) with turquoise ribbon (not shown). It turned out soooo great - if I do say so myself :)

Stay tuned for my "Do's and Don'ts of Thanksgiving" - it's a must read.... you always learn a lot when hosting your first Thanksgiving. :)

***UPDATE: If you're interested in the "Girl Edition" of these onesies (plus some must read practical tips for making them) please go to this post.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these onesies. Thanks for the template! Any ideas of how I could change the colors to a girly version?

Anonymous said...

I just made these and they were so cute!!! I found cheap onesies at Ross so the whole project cost me about $25. I made some long sleeve ones for the winter months;-) Thanks so much for the idea, it was great!!!

Em.Gordon said...

I love your onesie idea! I created these for my sister! However, I am trying to create something else now. How did you mirror the image? Thanks!

alan and steph said...

Em.Gordon - So happy to hear that you were able to make these for your sister!

In terms of mirroring the image I actually just opened up the non-mirrored image in Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Clicked "Edit Pictures", "Rotate and Flip" and then "Flip Horizontal." I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to do it but that was how I specifically did it.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

so when i click on the template and another window pops up with the monthly onesies do i just print it on iron on paper? they just look small to me when i opened the window. thanks

Anonymous said...

I am planning to make these as well and while they appear small onscreen they print quite large. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

PP I copied them into publisher and it resized them to fit the standard page. They printed just fine after that.

Anonymous said...

I think month template was easy to use but for some reason mine were up too high on the 1-6 and the other one had the writing on top. Thanks for telling us to print on a sheet before using the transfer paper. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Unknown said...

Hey. I love these. And have given several as gifts. I was wondering if you had made or would be willing to make matching ones that go past one year (like 15,18, 21, 24 months). Please let me know.

Unknown said...

I am unable to print the 7-12 month template. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I'm unable to open any of the files. I get a 404 error code. Could you please look into it. I mad these in November I think and messed up the 10 month. I'm trying to redo it, but didn't Dave the file. Please help! Thanks! 6/14/16

Anonymous said...

I have these in the girl template and would love them for boy too, but the download says file is unavailable! Could you email them to me? Thank you!

Ann Malavey said...

Hi Are these still available as the link is bringing up an error Many Thanks Ann

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