Steph's Pick :: Postagram & Sincerely Ink Apps
Mar 9, 2012
Looking for a way to simplify your life? Aren't we all?!
Since being introduced to the wonderful world of apps on my iphone just 6 months ago, I've found some amazing make-my-life-so-much-easier apps.
Two of these specific apps are Postagram & Sincerely Ink. Both of these apps have greatly helped reduce the time it takes for me to send snail mail (and you all know I love me some snail mail).
With Postagram you can brighten someone's day with a postcard you've created using Postagram and a photo - either one you take with the app or snap from your phone's library or even Facebook. The app is free and the postcard is only $0.99.
So easy.... and so cheap.
Get the free Postagram app for iPhone or Android HERE. {Sign up using my link and we both get one Postagram postcard free!}

Sincerely Ink postcards are 5x7 in size and very high quality. Like Postagram, the Sincerely Ink app is free and the cards are $1.99 (which includes shipping).
Happy App "Shopping"! ;)
oh i just LOVE LOVE LOVE postagram! i use it as easy "thank you" cards all the time and folks even have a keepsake from it.
But what size is the actual photo?
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