Nora's {August} Happenings
Aug 17, 2011
It's been a busy month for Ms. Nora (and Elsie of course but we'll wait to do a different post for her)...and we still have a couple weeks left!
Here's a little Nora happenings update...
Just last weekend Nora and Alan went on a daddy-daughter date to Barney LIVE in Concert. Yes - you read that right. Our little Barney lovin' Nora got to see the big purple guy LIVE :) I think it may have been the highlight of her life thus far ;)

And as with life, all good things must come to an end...
Just two days after her roof-top Barney experience Nora had quite the scare.
At the end of Nora's nap-time I heard a very loud bang coming from her bedroom. I of course ran to her door to see what had happened and found the door locked! (Nora just recently learned to lock herself in her room - this was the 2nd - and last- time she's done it. We've since changed the door handle).
I spent the next 5 minutes trying to open the door with anything I could get my hands on. Luckily Alan returned home from work just in time to kick open the door (that's my hubby) and found Nora's dresser on the ground and our sweet little Nora scared to death in her crib.
We're still not sure exactly what happened, but we're certain that God had his guardian angels protecting our little girl as somehow she escaped the incident with only a bruise on her cheek.
Here are a couple pics to document her battle wound. The first was taken about an hour after everything had happened and then second before bedtime that night.

Needless to say we're telling everyone that has children to 1)flip your door handles around so the locks are on the outside (it will save you a heart attack) and 2)bolt your furniture to the wall. We of course learned these two lessons the hard way... as with much of life...but we're making our mission to encourage others not to make the same mistakes.
Nora is recovering quite well.
And lastly... I've recently trained our new Keurig Barista... and I LOVE it!!!
Here's a (fairly lengthy) video of one of her earlier coffee making endeavors.
Stay tuned for an Elsie update soon!
so cute! maybe she can work at Sola!!
I love seeing Nora in action!! Reese enjoyed the video too. And I love how she tries to touch everything she isn't suppose to :) Hope her cheek is all better!
love the update! so glad nora escaped a serious injury... how scary! love the video! :)
Oh! That happened to Sage at about 4. I was pregnant with Levi and managed to lift it off of him. Strength from Jesus!
Glad she wasn't more hurt,
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