Elsie {August} Happenings
Aug 20, 2011
So I certainly can't do a Nora {August} Happenings post without following it up with an Elsie {August} Happenings post, right?! ;)

Here's a little about Ms. Elsie...
- 3 months old!!!
- Learning to smile and coo = precious.
- Rolling a lot! She rolled for the first time at 3 weeks old (for those of you who are not familiar with baby milestones this is VERY early for a baby) and she's been rolling ever since. Essentially if you leave her on the ground you can be assured she will not be in the same position when you come to check on her.
- Has taken up residency in our master bedroom closet. You see we live in a small 2 bedroom condo. We've always wanted to keep Elsie in our room until she starts sleeping through the night (we've had no such luck - yet!)). She was getting too loud in the bassinet right next to my side of the bed so I had to get creative. Luckily the bassinet fits really nicely in the closet. I actually figure she probably likes it as it's quite cozy and my necklaces hang on the wall right next to her - it's like a make-shift mobile.
- Her tummy issues are finally getting better. Thank you Jesus! This of course makes her so much happier.
And finally - because so many people ask - here's a pic of Nora and Elsie at 3 months old. It's always so fun to compare pictures of the girls.

What do you think? Do they look like sisters?
awww...I lOVE her! I I don't think they look that much alike, although I thought they did when Elsie was younger. It is fun to compare tho :)
Funny that you did a comparison picture b/c I was thinking how they both have their own look when I saw the first pic at the beginning of the blog. Hope to talk soon. ~ Liz
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